Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Some of us listened for eight long years to the nauseating self-pronouncement that education was getting better under the George W. Bush “No Child Left Behind program.   State leadership boasts most of our tests indicate public education in Texas is getting better.  While there are an abundance of indicators to suggest our Texas system may be failing many of our students, our Texas leadership continues to proclaim standardized tests given incrementally to various grades indicate we are doing fine.

We are still among the leaders of all states in dropouts, teenage pregnancies, and do not even lead all of the Southern states in our commitment to public and higher education, as evidenced by our miserly appropriations. 

A recent examination of the federal test results indicate that although a fourth of eighth-graders in Texas seem to be doing well according to state standards, we are trailing fourth in eighth-graders’ test results compared to most other states.  You might ask how this could be?   It’s fairly simple.   We have improved the quality of test scores in Texas by lowering the rating of test scores deemed to be satisfactory in the state.  As a matter of fact the analyses of federal results indicate Texas has the standards which are fourth from the bottom of all of the states of the Union.  In other words, Texas claims tests in reading and math of 188 and 225, respectively, are adequate scores to consider our system okay, the national base level in reading and math is 208 and 243.  In plain English, our state minimum standards are substantially easier than those recommended by the United States Department of Education.

One of the conservatives on our State Board of Education argues that parents are smart enough to tell whether or not schools are good schools or not–a statement with which I would take strong issue.  Unfortunately, there are too many parents in this state encouraged by such statements from State Board members who believe if the school house looks okay, doesn’t have a leaky roof and the football team has a winning season that everything is lovely.  Unfortunately, the above does not represent good measuring sticks for whether or not we have good schools.

While I am not an advocate of simply throwing money at schools and hoping they will get better, I am an advocate of more innovative programs which have been proven throughout the United States to work in elevating student achievement and learning.  Unfortunately, almost all of these innovative programs cost more money.  Until our State Board concerns itself more with improving education than they do political philosophy, I fear Texas and Texas’ students will still lag the nation in educational achievement.


Carl Parker sez:

John F. Kennedy’s book, Profiles in Courage, is a collection of essays about being in public office faced with doing the politically expedient thing, or taking action which would endanger their political careers because it was right.

I am having a difficult time trying to figure out whether the Democrats’ actions related to health reform should be included among profiles in courage or great political blunders. 

Republicans continue to boast that they have transformed public opinion to where it currently is overwhelmingly against health care reform.  

It reminds me a lot of the little boy who continued to boast he and his dad had killed a bear.  Republicans, perhaps, have contributed slightly to the alteration of the American population opinion on health care; but they have done so with collaboration with special interest lobbyists who have spent millions each month in opposing health care reform.  

Republicans claim they do not know what’s in the bill, but apparently they know all they need to know to oppose it; and that cogent fact is that the bill is opposed by special interests such as pharmaceutical companies, as well as health insurance companies.

Clearly, the current bill has its shortcomings.  There is plenty that needs fixing with the American system of delivering health care to its citizens.   While it is often said the U.S. has the finest health care in the world, this is not necessarily true for all Americans.  

I will concede that America has the finest technology, technique and the best medical treatment that can be found.  Unfortunately, however, too many Americans do not have access to the upper-level standard of medical care available to some in this country.  Several other countries in the world, including Cuba, have better access for more of its citizenry than we do

President Obama struck a nerve with many American citizens, particularly the poor, when he campaigned advocating overhauling our system of health in this country.  Having too many people uninsured and uninsurable is a problem for those with long-term, life-threatening illnesses or injuries; poor people not being able to have access to specialists and hospitals being overwhelmed with uncompensated care at their emergency rooms.  

All of these are big problems for too many of our citizens.  These problems form a long enough list without starting in on abuses by uncaring, money-grubbing insurance companies who care little about health care and a lot about profit.

Perhaps for the Democrats who know more about the bill than I, they truly believe it to be an act of courage to support a bill which is disfavored in all of the public opinion polls by a majority of American citizens.  Perhaps the bill will fix enough wrongs with our health system to be a positive step forward and ultimate reform of that system.

On balance, my tendency is to agree with Dr. Howard Dean, former national chairman of the Democratic Party, that because creating an option to compete with insurance companies has been dropped from the bill, it likely is not substantive enough to waste the political capital in trying to pass it.  

Were I a political consultant directing the National Democratic Party, I would advise to let the Republicans kill it.  To me, the political issue would be more valuable to the Democratic Party than the small and weak reforms the compromised bill may accomplish.  

Were the bill to die, Democrats could explain to families who were going bankrupt because of having to treat a loved one’s incurable cancer, that it was the Republicans’ fault they were not covered by insurance.  They could explain to grieving parents their child could not see a specialist who might offer a cure because there is no government-sponsored insurance to cover the necessary procedures to save their child’s life.  Blame it on the Republicans!  They killed the bill.

On the other hand, if Democrats force the bill through Congress, everything wrong which befalls an American citizen in need of health care will be blamed on the Democrats for either placing impediments to free enterprise type medical care or failing to include a remedy in the bill.

I truly hope the measure amounts to a profile in courage because it carries a tremendous political risk.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Some of us listened for eight long years to the nauseating self-pronouncement that education was getting better under the George W. Bush “No Child Left Behind” program.   State leadership boasts most of our tests indicate public education in Texas is getting better.  While there are an abundance of indicators to suggest our Texas system may be failing many of our students, our Texas leadership continues to proclaim standardized tests given incrementally to various grades indicate we are doing fine.

We are still among the leaders of all states in dropouts, teenage pregnancies, and do not even lead all of the Southern states in our commitment to public and higher education, as evidenced by our miserably miserly appropriations.  

A recent examination of the federal test results indicate that although 25% of eighth-graders in Texas seem to be doing well according to state standards, we are trailing in eighth-graders’ test results compared to most other states.  You might ask how this could be?   

It’s fairly simple.  Our standards are lower. We have improved the quality of test scores in Texas by lowering the rating of test scores deemed to be satisfactory in the state.  As a matter of fact the analyses of federal results indicate Texas has the standards which are fourth from the bottom of all of the states of the Union.  In other words, Texas claims tests in reading and math of 188 and 225, respectively, are adequate scores to consider our system okay, the national base level in reading and math is 208 and 243.  

In plain English, our state minimum standards are substantially easier than those recommended by the United States Department of Education.

One of the conservatives on our State Board of Education argues that parents are smart enough to tell whether or not schools are good schools or not–a statement with which I would take strong issue.  Unfortunately, there are too many parents in this state encouraged by such statements from State Board members who believe if the school house looks okay, doesn’t have a leaky roof, and the football team has a winning season, then everything is lovely.  

Unfortunately, the above does not represent good measuring sticks for whether or not we have good schools.

While I am not an advocate of simply throwing money at schools and hoping they will get better, I am an advocate of more innovative programs which have been proven throughout the United States to work in elevating student achievement and learning.  Unfortunately, almost all of these innovative programs cost more money.  

Until our State Board concerns itself more with improving education than they do political philosophy, I fear Texas and Texas’ students will still lag the nation in educational achievement.

Monday, November 30, 2009


One of the primary claims made by opponents of the current medical reform initiatives pending in Congress is that we will all be robbed of our choice of doctors and freedom of choice in seeking medical care.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. Anyone who truly believes they have freedom of choice in medical care today must be living on another planet or receiving medical care from a different source than most all Americans.  The truth is choices of your medical doctors, treatment and source of care is almost always controlled by your insurance company, HMO, hospital or clinic.

To begin with, those of us on Medicare are limited in choice by limitations on costs.  There are a significant number of doctors who refuse to treat Medicare patients, let alone Medicaid patients.  We are further limited by caps on various procedures and by the fact we cannot go at our choice to see a specialist.  There first must be a referral from the approved family doctor or general practitioner.  

If you have private insurance, you are most certainly limited by those health care providers approved by your insurance carrier.  In the event you wanted to have a physician of your choice treat you at a particular hospital in a nearby city, forget it.  The hospital’s board of directors, many of whom may not even be physicians, control which doctors are allowed to practice in which hospitals.   Lawyers for hospitals will quickly tell you that choice of doctors practicing in their hospital has nothing to do with quality patient care but has to do with contractual matters and profitability.  If a cancer patient in Port Arthur wanted to have his or her doctor follow them to one of the larger hospitals in Houston, it would not be the choice of the patient, but the choice of the hospital the patient seeks to be admitted to.

Subsets of medical care such as blood testing, x-rays, CAT Scans, bone marrow tests, density tests and various exploratory procedures are seldom the choice of the patient.  As a matter of fact most patients wouldn’t know one from the other to begin with and usually they go where they are sent by their doctor.  Patients are never informed as to whether or not the doctor may have part ownership in the expensive equipment being used or what relationship he or she may have with the laboratory doing the various kinds of tests.  Most of us will simply go where we are told, never even attempting to ask for a choice.

Choice is almost as big a fallacy and bug-a-boo as Sarah Palin’s death panel which she claims but which does not exist in any of the legislation proposed by any member of Congress.

Recently, a health care expert was being interviewed on CNN and had done an extreme amount of research comparing the American health care plan to that of other nations of the world.  Although it is claimed by doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and others having a huge financial interest in our health that America has the best health care in the world, this statement does not hold up very well under a microscope. America does not even rank in the top 10 in longevity, mother survival rates in childbirth or availability of certain services to all people.  The United States does not compare well with many under-developed countries in infant survival.  While wonderful health care exists for the very rich and the United States leads in innovative technology, as many people die in the United States each year from lack of medical care as die in many of the third-world countries.

Contrary to many of my conservative friends, I do not hate insurance companies.  Lord knows they have made money available enough to make me a living for many years.  In most cases I have to resort to the courthouse to take it away from them, however.  Insurance companies have seen a huge change in the last 3-4 decades.

There was a time in the law when insurance was illegal.  It was considered gambling!  People who would issue insurance policies were held to be betting on whether or not someone would live longer than they expected, someone would be hit with some unexpected disaster or some other calamity.  They would bet some calamity would occur based on the odds they figured.  Insurance was then changed to become “risk managers.”  The theory being if a large number of people were insured, the insurance company could figure the odds on how many would survive with no claims made and what percentage would have claims.  

Homeowners’ insurance is a good example.  Most people’s homes are not going to burn down, so the premiums they pay make up for those of us who have the misfortune to lose our houses in a storm, fire or some other disaster.  The insurance companies have gone from being manager of risk to avoiders of risk.  This is why, if you have a homeowners’ claim for a leaky roof your rates are either tripled or your policy is canceled.  The same is even more true if it relates to health insurance.  Insurance companies will happily insure you while you are healthy, but the moment a physical problem arises, you are either rated out of the ability to pay for it, or your policy is canceled.

What President Obama and other reformers are maintaining is not being adequately explained.  We can save money.  If everyone were insured, there will be more healthy people paying premiums than there are sick people filing claims.  The whole thing would ultimately lead to savings of hospitals and other health care providers who would be assured of payment under a universal health care plan.

I am not without my concerns about some of the more popular proposals floating around Congress.  Most of them could be cured with a government option.  A prime example is the popular mandate of not denying insurance coverage because of pre-existing conditions.  This simply will not work without some government subsidy.  While I have great sympathy for people afflicted with diabetes, a history of heart disease or cancer, how do we know when it would be a reasonable amount of time to admit them and add them to an insurance policy?  Surely it is not fair for a person to wait until he or she had terminal cancer to then come and demand a policy to cover all of their future medical expenses.  

This is why we need a public option.  From a humanitarian standpoint and a practical standpoint there should be a government-funded plan so that people would not have to die needlessly because they had a pre-existing condition such as one of those mentioned above.  Without some limitations on forcing an insurance plan to accept people who are already sick, the very theory of insurance would not work well.

As I have said before, I am probably too old at this point to give good advice about insurance.  Those seeking reform should have asked me in 1962 while I was in my 20's and recently elected to the Legislature. At that point I knew everything that needed knowing about insurance.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

John F. Kennedy’s book Profiles in Courage is a collection of essays about being in public office faced with doing the politically expedient thing or taking action which would endanger their political careers because it was right. 

I am having a difficult time trying to figure out whether the Democrats’ actions related to health reform should be included among profiles in courage or great political blunders. 

Republicans continue to boast that they have transformed public opinion to where it currently is overwhelmingly against health care reform.

It reminds me a lot of the little boy who continued to boast he and his dad had killed a bear.  Republicans, perhaps, have contributed slightly to the alteration of the American population opinion on health care; but they have done so with collaboration with special interest lobbyists who have spent millions each month in opposing health care reform.  

Republicans claim they do not know what’s in the bill, but apparently they know all they need to know to oppose it; and that cogent fact is that the bill is opposed by special interests such as pharmaceutical companies, as well as health insurance companies.

Clearly, the current bill has its shortcomings.  There is plenty that needs fixing with the American system of delivering health care to its citizens.  While it is often said the U.S. has the finest health care in the world, this is not necessarily true for all Americans.  I will concede that America has the finest technology, technique and the best medical treatment that can be found.  Unfortunately, however, too many Americans do not have access to the upper-level standard of medical care available to some in this country.  Several other countries in the world, including Cuba, have better access for more of its citizenry than we do.  

President Obama struck a nerve with many American citizens, particularly the poor, when he campaigned advocating overhauling our system of health in this country. Having too many people uninsured and uninsurable is a problem for those with long-term, life-threatening illnesses or injuries; poor people not being able to have access to specialists and hospitals being overwhelmed with uncompensated care at their emergency rooms.  

All of these are big problems for too many of our citizens. These problems form a long enough list without starting in on abuses by uncaring, money-grubbing insurance companies who care little about health care and a lot about profit.

Perhaps for the Democrats who know more about the bill than I, they truly believe it to be an act of courage to support a bill which is disfavored in all of the public opinion polls by a majority of American citizens.  Perhaps the bill will fix enough wrongs with our health system to be a positive step forward and ultimate reform of that system.

On balance, my tendency is to agree with Dr. Howard Dean, former national chairman of the Democratic Party, that because creating an option to compete with insurance companies has been dropped from the bill, it likely is not substantive enough to waste the political capital in trying to pass it.  

Were I a political consultant directing the National Democratic Party, I would advise to let the Republicans kill it. To me, the political issue would be more valuable to the Democratic Party than the small and weak reforms the compromised bill may accomplish.  

Were the bill to die, Democrats could explain to families who were going bankrupt because of having to treat a loved one’s incurable cancer, that it was the Republicans’ fault they were not covered by insurance. They could explain to grieving parents their child could not see a specialist who might offer a cure because there is no government-sponsored insurance to cover the necessary procedures to save their child’s life.  Blame it on the Republicans! They killed the bill!

On the other hand, if Democrats force the bill through Congress, everything wrong which befalls an American citizen in need of health care will be blamed on the Democrats for either placing impediments to free enterprise type medical care or failing to include a remedy in the bill.

I truly hope the measure amounts to a profile in courage because it carries a tremendous political risk.