entered the legal profession because of my strong belief that it was a noble
profession and could do much to defend the weak from the powerful and fight
against injustice. After more than 50 years in this profession I have not
changed my mind but get a little weary of the legal profession being blamed for
a multitude of sins—especially by the right-wing elements that seem to speak so
loudly today.
Tea Party, in particular, seems to have bought into the Republican strategy of
demonizing lawyers. Those who attack the legal profession need to expand their
study of American History beyond the Boston Tea Party. History will show that lawyers, more
than members of any other profession, were leaders in creating a nation of free
men. At the writing of the
Constitution dubbed “the miracle in Philadelphia,” there were more lawyers
present and participating at the risk of being hanged than any other profession. Had the conservatives in the 1700s had
their way, America would still be under the rule of Great Britain.
lawyers are vilified as greedy ambulance chasers who add nothing to the good of
society, history proves this characterization absolutely wrong.
were in the forefront of fighting to protect the right of working men and women
to organize themselves into unions and try to secure better wages and working
conditions. Lawyers fought the
brave fight when companies such as those owned by Rockefeller and other
billionaires were actually shooting union members for daring to form picket
lines around their businesses.
were blamed for the high costs of medical care when the Republican
conservatives in Texas passed so-called medical tort reform on the theory it
would lessen the costs of medical care.
This has proven to be a lie.
If you don’t believe this, simply check the last bill you received from
a medical provider. While it may
have increased the profits for hospitals and other medical providers, it’s done
little to lessen your medical bills.
it not for lawyers, working men and women in industry would still be
contracting asbestosis and other industrial diseases. While industry covered up this horrendous attack on working
people, lawyers, to their credit, uncovered it and sought justice for those
condemned to an agonizing death caused by some greedy industrialists simply
wanting a better profit.
have led the fight for justice, for minorities, women, safer automobiles, and
the efforts to stop environmental poisoning by various industrial plants
throughout the nation.
particularly in Texas, have continued their unrelenting attack to make it
harder for injured workers to receive a fair jury trial. And, most recently,
the Republican Supreme Court has ruled that arbitration agreements forced bypowerful companies against individual workers are okay. All of this is done in the guise of
trying to provide a cheaper method of resolving disputes when, in fact, all it
does is empower the rich and powerful at the expense of individual workers and
ignores the mandate of the United States Constitution that American citizens
should have access to jury trials.